Legal advisory
In compliance with the duty of general information established in article 10 of the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, users of this website are informed that the owner of the same is Miquel Bibiloni Ramon with NIF 43115031J, Calle Islàndia , 9. 07015 Palma de Majorca. Commercial premises of the brand La Boutique Inmobiliaria located at Calle Francesc Sancho, 2. 07004 Palma de Mallorca.
Contact information
When the user accesses the web, he does so at his own risk. We cannot guarantee the speed, the interruption, or the absence of viruses on the web. Likewise, we cannot be held responsible for any damages derived from the use of this website, nor for any action carried out on the basis of the information provided therein.
The absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents or files of the user of this website is not guaranteed. Consequently, it is not responsible for the damages that such elements could cause to the user or to third parties.
As a user of this site, when making comments, you are responsible for the content you provide, as well as the links you refer to. We reserve the right to eliminate the content provided by users that it deems necessary in case of possible damage to third parties or to the website itself, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on company services. information and electronic commerce.
All rights are reserved, including but not limited to any of the copyrights, trademarks and any other industrial or intellectual property rights on this website and its contents. The use of the rights and properties of this web site requires the explicit consent in writing and in advance. No implicit or explicit license is granted to the rights to make use, commercial or not, of its website without express and prior authorization.
We are especially careful with all the photographs of real estate used on our website, the use of which we do not authorize in any case, except acceptance upon written request. We verify and legally claim, if necessary, the use of our photographs by unauthorized third parties.